Video of the Day | Nada Surf - "Rushing"

Before Benjamin Franklin traveled to France and inadvertently created modern medicine, patients were more like customers, and told doctors what to do rather than being observed and diagnosed. Back then, nostalgia was listed as an official illness in the doctor's handbook. We're unsure of what the cure for nostalgia was, but if it were still considered an illness, writing about Nada Surf in 2016 would be one of the symptoms, especially on Thursdays, a day of the week generally reserved for such a sickness. Although expected to occupy a place in pop music history alongside Harvey Danger and Fastball, Nada Surf consistently clawed its way through the music industry, avoiding too many one hit wonder CD compilations and having their lyrics changed slightly to promote bathroom products. Today, they nestle comfortably in a "Well, actually..." sentence, barfed at you in a Cascadian bar by a middle aged child of the nineties, when "Popular" comes on the digital jukebox, followed by a clumsy explanation of the band's devoted followers which presumably separates them from their peers.

Nada Surf's latest video, "Rushing" is a sanguine video clip that looks more like an ad for, which probably rules out any of that sweet, sweet online video synch money they probably could have got from a similar ad campaign. Nada Surf might not be the Typhoid Mary of the nostalgia epidemic, but they sure shared a bunk bed with her at one point.

Photo credit: Bernie Dechant

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